Contaminated Groundwater At Camp Lejeune FAQs

From late 1952 through 1987, the water at U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, in North Carolina, was contaminated. Soldiers and their families who drank or bathed in the water were subjected to harsh chemicals such as Benzene, Tetrachloroethylene (also referred to as ​​perchloroethylene or PCE), Trichloroethylene (TCE) or Vinyl chloride (VC).

Each of these chemicals has been known to potentially cause various cancers and other health conditions in those who have been exposed to the substances over time. In June 2022, a law was passed that finally allows servicemembers and their families who were stationed at Camp Lejeune during the time period to obtain compensation for conditions caused by the chemicals.

What Conditions Are Common In Those Who Served Or Lived At Camp Lejeune?

Unfortunately, many long-term illnesses have been connected to the water contamination at Camp Lejeune. Some of the main conditions that may allow for claims of compensation include:

  • Adult leukemia
  • Aplastic anemia and other myelodysplastic syndromes
  • Bladder cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Liver cancer
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Parkinson’s disease

Other conditions may qualify for compensation as well, depending upon the illness and timelines. Our team can review your situation and determine the next steps.

Who Is Eligible To File Claims?

People must have had at least 30 days of exposure to the water on the base at some point from October 1953 through December 1987. This includes any active duty military, reservists, civilian employees, as well as family members who lived on the base during this time. It may also include children born to mothers who lived or worked at the base during the period in question.

What Do I Need To Have To File A Claim?

We can tell you exactly what we would need from you when we meet, but it would be a good idea to gather any documentation you have that establishes your medical condition and presence at the base at the time in question. This could include (but no limited to):

  • Military Service Records indicating time spent at Camp Lejeune
  • Medical records indicating some of the conditions in the bulleted list above
  • Photographs of your time at Camp Lejeune
  • Other documents proving you were at Camp Lejeune sometime between October 1953 through December 1987

Want To Learn More?

To find out your options, please call Hearn Law Firm, PLLC today at (662) 766-7777 or send us an email to find a time for you. Our office represents clients throughout Mississippi in a host of personal injury related cases, including claims related to contaminated drinking water at Camp Lejeune.