Assisting Veterans And Military Members With 3M Earplugs Cases

The men and women who serve and have served in our armed forces deserve our appreciation and respect. They constantly put themselves in harm’s way, making sacrifices each day so that we can enjoy the freedoms that we cherish so deeply.

Many of these military members would work on tasks that subjected them to potential hearing loss. Because so many veterans and service members had suffered from prolonged problems, the military provided soldiers with earplugs that they purchased from 3M.

The 3M earplugs had two differently-sized ends, as it was theorized that this would allow the plugs to form a seal in the ear of any person who used them. Unfortunately, this was not the case – some who used the plugs received little to no protection at all due the lack of a seal.

To make matters worse, it is believed that 3M knew that the earplugs it was selling to the Department of Defense were defective, and continued to sell the plugs to the military anyway. This action placed many more military members at risk of permanent or severe hearing loss.

What This Means For You

If you used 3M earplugs while serving in the military and suffered hearing loss, you may have a personal injury claim for compensation. Several individuals have already come forward in Mississippi and across the county with claims against 3M. Hearn Law Firm, PLLC, with offices in Blue Mountain, New Albany and Jackson, can help you learn if you have a case. Some of the issues our clients experience include:

  • Partial or full hearing loss in one of both ears
  • Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears
  • Other forms of hearing damage

Our attorneys take 3M earplugs cases on a contingent fee basis. This means that there is no compensation to you unless we are successful on your behalf. We are here to help you get the results you deserve for the harm you have suffered through no fault of your own.

Learn More About Your Potential 3M Earplugs Case

To find out if you may have claims against 3M due to their faulty earplugs, we invite you to reach out to us today by calling (662) 766-7777 or by sending us an email. We can speak over the phone or arrange another option that works best for you.