How can burns happen during a car accident?

Car accidents can be devastating events, causing a wide range of injuries that can profoundly impact individuals. Among these injuries, burns are particularly concerning.

To learn more about how burns happen in the chaotic aftermath of a car crash, people can dive into the dynamics of these accidents.

Heat and flames

During a car accident, the vehicle could catch on fire due to the collision. This can happen if there is a rupture in the fuel tank or if electrical systems malfunction upon impact. Individuals trapped inside may struggle to get out and avoid further trauma.

Occupants are at risk of direct exposure to heat and flames during this time. The intense heat generated by the fire can cause burns to the skin upon contact. In addition to flames, there may be burning debris, further increasing the risk of injuries.


While airbags and seatbelts protect occupants during a collision, they can also cause friction burns. Airbags deploy at high speeds, and the friction between the airbag and the skin can result in painful and serious burns, particularly in sensitive areas like the face and arms. Seatbelts can also cause friction burns during sudden stops or impacts.


Modern vehicles contain various hazardous materials, such as battery acids, coolant fluids and gasoline. During a collision, these materials may leak or spill. This increases the risk of chemical burns to occupants involved in the accident.

Those in a car accident may want to seek fair compensation. Although an accident often happens in only a few seconds, the mental and physical scars of burns can last for a lot longer.