Can I refuse a breathalyzer test in Mississippi?

Being pulled over by a cop after a few drinks is not the best time to lay out a shrewd legal strategy. That said, it helps to know a few basic facts about what will happen in the next 30-60 minutes that can minimize the trouble you’re facing. Refusing a breathalyzer test Like many…

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Potential defense strategies in overcoming an embezzlement charge

The ticking sound of the clock inside your head reminds you that time is running out on your options stemming from an embezzlement charge. Every second and every minute that ticks off correlates with the many consequences that a conviction may bring. Imprisonment, divorce, loss of your job, friends, reputation and status within the…

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Nolo contendere and Alford pleas: What do they mean for your criminal case?

When you’re charged with a crime, it’s difficult to know what path to take. Do you fight the charges? Admit your guilt and hope for mercy from the court? Should you take a plea deal offered by the prosecution? Understanding some of the plea options you have other than “guilty” can help you make…

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Why do college parties get busted?

The police certainly do not bust all college parties, but it is something that happens with a fair amount of frequency. They show up at an off-campus apartment, for instance, and underage students run in all directions, afraid of getting charges for being a minor in possession of alcohol. They know they’re not supposed…

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You could be guilty of credit card fraud — even though you don’t realize it

When you think of credit card fraud, your mind probably goes to situations where unknown scammers “skim” someone’s card or get their number some other way and go on a spending spree. Maybe you think about situations where a home care worker lifts their elderly patient’s card and goes shopping. You’d never do anything…

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Protect yourself with a skilled criminal defense lawyer

It is safe to say that most Mississippi residents are not prepared to handle criminal charges very well. For many, this is the first time they have ever been on the “wrong side” of the law. However, the things you do in the immediate aftermath of an arrest can make all the difference in…

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