CPAP machines recalled by manufacturer – may cause serious health problems

For people with sleep apnea, CPAP machines are an essential part of their daily lives. These machines make it possible for them to actually get the rest they need at night in order to feel refreshed and ready to take on the challenges of a new day.

Unfortunately, Philips, the manufacturer of several popular CPAP and Bi-PAP machines, recently had to issue a recall over potential problems with the devices. The machines use foam to muffle the noises that can occur when in operation. Unfortunately, this foam can emit toxic gases or come apart and enter into the breathing tube, which may lead to health issues for some individuals.

What You Need To Know About The Illnesses Connected To The Recall

Many users have had health concerns as a result of using these machines. You may have experienced a change in your health and not even realized it could be a result of the off-gassing or breaking up of the foam from your CPAP device. Some of the possible conditions that users may experience can possibly include:

  • Headaches or dizziness
  • Upper respiratory conditions
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Skin irritations
  • Liver or kidney problems
  • Cancer

People who use one of the recalled devices should speak to their doctors immediately about the next steps they should take. Your health care provider can tell you whether or not you should continue to use the machine or pursue other types of care for your condition.

Once you have received medical care for your injuries or illnesses caused by the CPAP machines, you need to speak to an experienced attorney to learn if you may have claims for compensation. There are several class action lawsuits against the manufacturers of the devices by users who have been adversely impacted.