AFFF foam linked to cancer in firefighters

People across Mississippi look at firefighters as the heroes of our communities. We know that when tragedy strikes, they will be there to take on the selfless work that needs to be done. They make great sacrifices to keep us save, and we owe them a debt of gratitude for all that they do for us each and every day.

Unfortunately, one of the tools that firefighters use when fighting petroleum-based fires may be putting them in danger. Aqueous Film-Forming Foam, commonly referred to as AFFF foam, is believed to potentially be causing cancer in firefighters across the country.

Firefighters who use this foam would most likely be working at military installations, refineries or airports. They would come into repeat exposure with the AFFF foam almost every day on the job, placing them at serious risk of long-term health concerns.

The most common cancers seen in firefighters using AFFF include breast cancer, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, among others. Various regulatory agencies have directed that the foams be replaced by safer alternatives.

Changes were made in the last decade in the hopes that the foam would be less dangerous to the health of end users, but problems still remain. Those who manufacture the foam are believed to have been aware of the health risks posed by the product.

If your loved one is a firefighter who has come into contact with AFFF foam while performing his or her job duties, it is possible that you may be able to join a lawsuit against the manufacturers of the foam. Learn more about your options by reaching out to us today.