How to defend your health license against a formal complaint

Medical malpractice claims are not the only way physicians can be sued. Anyone who interacts with a physician can file a formal complaint against them. These formal complaints are serious and can have a negative effect on your ability to practice medicine in the future.

If the medical licensing board sent you a letter with a formal complaint, it may be in your best interest to speak with an attorney. These are not frivolous allegations and you may face serious penalties.

What disciplinary actions could you face?

Depending on the severity of the claim you could face some of the following penalties from a formal complaint:

  • Permanent revocation of your health license
  • Temporary suspension of your health license
  • Letter of reprimand
  • Probation
  • Fine of $1,000 or less

Tips for defending your license

When defending your reputation and career after a formal complaint, it is important to understand your options and act quickly. If the medical licensing board is opening an investigation on your actions, consider these tips:

  • Speak with your company’s malpractice insurance carrier
  • Consult with an attorney
  • Gather evidence or records
  • Prepare for an interview with the board

If you have received a notice of a formal complaint, consider speaking with an experienced attorney. They will understand the formal complaint process and can help walk you through it. They will also be able to gather evidence to strengthen your case and potentially minimize any penalties or fines you face.